Thinking about the 'paediatrician of the future' and really good training

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) sets the standards for training of paediatricians. The CC4C experience has been used by the RCPCH to guide their vision for the paediatrician of the future. Mando, our clinical lead, has written a blog for the RCPCH to set the scene for their new publication 'Paediatrician of the Future'.

Read Mando's full blog on the RCPCH website.

RCPCH will publish 'Paediatrician of the Future' on their website in late October. To keep up to date, follow them on Twitter @RCPCHtweets. You can also find out more about their future plans on the Shape of training page.

We'd love to hear from you. Share your thoughts with us about what the future of paediatric training should be @CC4CLondon