Child Health Hub ICS Value Analysis

How do we approach value and the economics of the Child Health Hub model of care?

With the help Economics By Design,  we analysed the value of the Child Health Hub. The impact of the Hub extends to the whole healthcare system. So it isn’t just about the money.

The Child Health Hub model delivers the benefits of early intervention and improved access to specialist child health. It is also efficient. This report explains this in detail. Do have a look


What’s the bottom line?

To put Child Health Hubs in every PCN in our ICS (population 2.5m), in order to improve outcomes, access and experience for all, requires an investment of £200k per year [page 17] – about 50p per year per child. With that investment, the Integrated Care System will achieve efficiencies the equivalent of £2.4m per year [page 22]

Drilling into the detail, as a conservative estimate, Child Health Hubs release net additional capacity of:

  • 4% new out patients & 7% follow up out patients appointments
  • 3% A&E attendance & 7% admissions

They also result in

  • 13% fewer GP appointments and fewer mental health referrals

importantly, improved child health outcomes and improved patient & staff experience